Welcome to Ministry In Action Faith and Mental Health Support


Ministry in Action is an independent ordained member and minister of the National Association of Christian Ministries. The calling of this ministry is to provide Faith affirming council, Life coaching through donations and Freely offered mental wellness coaching as a Christian Master Mental Health Coach 

Contact us today for questions and to establish a Faith-affirming council, Life Coaching, or FREE Mental Health Coaching 

 What is Mental Health?

How do emotions influence our body?

What is "Faith-Affirming" Council?

Faith-affirming council applies scripture in a personal way integrating it into the heart, mind, will, and emotions. This type of therapy expands upon a person's understanding of faith. Through practical principles and methods relating to scripture, faith-affirming therapy uncovers the root causes relating to present struggles or problems, removes hindrances to spiritual growth, and develops the faith necessary to resolve specific kinds of psychological, emotional, and family problems. Support will be provided to individuals and families by teaching them to apply the word of God and foster coming into a deeper relationship and agreement with the Holy Spirit so that through him they can be comforted, equipped, and grow up into Christ.

(These council sessions are no less than six months in length and are ongoing until the individual has gained and demonstrated a firm foundation through their faith toward continuing maturity. Service is through donations that the individual or family can afford but is not demanded if they are shown financially unable.)


What is Life Coaching?

Life coaching involves growing a relationship of trust that shows an understanding relative to an individual's life, dreams, and reaching present and future goals. Coaching consists of short-term sessions (no more than 6 months) designed to ask life-changing and challenging questions that enable the individual to apply their knowledge and understanding but need help bringing their goals within reach (this is NOT faith-affirming council). If there is intense emotional distress during our coaching sessions, concerning behavior patterns, or fixed mindsets and thinking errors, it will be suggested to address and help identify those areas first through faith affirming council.

(These sessions last until the individual has met or exceeded their goals. Please be prepared to invest between three to six months to achieve those goals. Service is through donations that the individual or family can afford but is not demanded if they are shown financially unable.)


What is Mental Health Coaching?

Mental health coaching is understanding an individual wanting to make deeper connections through relationships with others and God. Coaching is short-term, designed to ask life-changing and challenging questions that enable an individual to apply their present knowledge and understanding to grow in those relationships. This service is offered to adults (if male must receive coaching in the presence of an outside witness). Coaching is also offered to single mothers or families in need of coaching to deepen relationships with their children. This is called youth mental health coaching and a parent is required to be present with the child if the coach is addressing the child (this is NOT faith affirming council). If there is intense emotional distress during our coaching sessions, concerning behavior patterns, fixed mindsets, and/or thinking errors, it will be suggested to address and help identify those areas first through faith affirming council.

(These sessions last until the individual(s) has met or exceeded their set goals. Please be prepared to invest between three to six months to achieve those goals. Service is free unless faith affirming council is required (offered by donation as able).

Here you will find Credentials for Dawn, who is licensed as an independent ordained minister to offer non-judgemental support to the Body of Christ and marketplace. This Link is to support Dawn as evidence of her, Ordination, biblical education, and training.